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ceramic owl / jar / Levi's big E jacket / brass candlestick / book collection / Dior sweater / fish lidded bowl / Levis
socks / vase / ceramic art / ceramic art / ceramic art / crotchet hat / copper cuff / Levis cut offs
high waist jeans / The Faerie Queene / cup and saucer / riding jacket / brass candlestick / jeweled handbag / woven belt / studio pottery pitcher
brass candle holders / tiger's eye pendant / book collection / vase / pitcher / carnival glass bowl / vase / necklace
Levi's shorts / Black Sabbath t-shirt / knit hat / catcher's mask / Bruce Springsteen t-shirt / knit gloves / knit hat / Bee Gee's t-shirt
Iron Charlie
folk table / fish art on wood / Lumber King hunting coat / fish art on wood / Pendleton jacket / leather belt
hone / military jacket / Johnson plaid jacket / MacGregor red plaid jacket